Sunday, April 10, 2011

Running Lessons: Spring has sprung! What happened to my legs?

Ah, spring, glorious spring. The season when every Canadian runner's heart leaps at the thought of running outside without risk of frostbite or a fall on icy roads.

Today was a balmy blue sky day so I was excited as I headed out the door for my long run. I figured the fact that I'd been taking it easy since my big race two weeks ago, coupled with my euphoria about the weather, would make the run a really great one. Alas, that wasn't to be.

Apparently, my legs don't appreciate being asked to run 22kms on a bowl of cereal (breakfast), and haddock chowder and bread (last night's supper). Cranky with me from the start, they got downright nasty during the last 3kms - to the point that I had slow to a walk for a bit. Lesson learned. I'll be carbo-loading more seriously before next week's long run.

On the upside, the weather was truly stunning. I ran my usual route along the river, warmed by brilliant sunshine and accompanied by bird song the whole way. I couldn't spot the singers perched high in the trees around me but their music was lovely.

I spent most of the run deep in thought about my newest writing project - which I'm currently referring to as "The Nanny Project" (coming soon). It was good to have something to distract me from how my legs were feeling, but I wonder if it also kept me from paying close enough attention to my pace. Data from my Garmin shows I was running faster than I normally do for much of the run - which may help to explain why they felt so tired by the end.

In any case, I won't let today's less-than-stellar performance discourage me. My next race (a marathon, if all goes well) isn't until the end of June so I have plenty of time to get my legs sorted out before then.

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Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

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