Even before the dust settles, there will be some who argue the election of Biden and Harris as President and Vice-president doesn't matter all that much - that a Democratic administration will do little to address the challenges the country faces, let alone it's troubled relations with the rest of the world.
They may be right, but I hope not.
It seems to me something real has shifted in the US. For the first time in decades, millions of Americans reached across their differences, linked arms and voted - not just for Biden and Harris, but in support of one another and to protect the integrity of their democracy.
I don't know whether things will be different in the future - whether AOC Democrats can work with Biden Democrats, let alone Romney Republicans, to find ways to move the country forward - but I hope the last four years have at least brought home to them just how dangerous and destructive it is to forget their duty to govern for the benefit of all Americans - and not just themselves and their friends.
Bless Biden and Harris for taking on the challenge of cleaning up the mess DJT and his minions have left behind. And bless Americans for not giving in to cynicism and despair - for once again demonstrating faith in the promise of their country. For all its failings, the United States remains a beacon of hope for millions.
The road ahead will be difficult, so I hope they will take comfort and courage from knowing so many of their fellow Americans set aside their differences for the sake of the country and one another. I hope too that they understand just how many outside the US are anxious to support and encourage them as they set out on this new path.
Congratulations to Biden, Harris and everyone else who worked so hard to make this day possible. We are all deeply in your debt.
A Canadian friend